Tools and Tactics EVERY Physiotherapist Should Know
Do you know if your physiotherapy practice is as profitable as others? Do you know if your physiotherapists are treating as many patients per day as other practitioners? Do you know if you are paying your staff competitive wages? Are you paying too much in rent to run a profitable clinic? You should know the answers to these questions if you own a practice. It is beneficial to know how we are doing currently and then to compare our performance over time. It is even more valuable to be able to compare some of these measures to other industries as well as with other physiotherapy clinics. This is called Benchmarking.
Some of the key areas that we should be measuring in our Physiotherapy practices are: financial, productivity, accounts receivable and wages. This allows us to determine if our performance is reasonable and to set more accurate goals and budgets. It can help to identify areas for improvement and make evidence based decisions.
We really did not have any way of benchmarking our clinics with similar clinics in Canada until the CPA Cost of Business survey (COB) data became available in 2006. Prior to this time data was really only available in the United States. They have the Private Practice Section Best Practices Guide 2002 and a company called HCS Consulting who has been producing a report called PT Benchmarking since 2002. PT Benchmarking in the United States is available to clinics for $500 to participate and runs annually whereas the COB here in Canada is free but will not be run annually.
Examples of Benchmarking Data from the COB
In Western Canada most clinics treat about 10,000 patient visits per year. For every dollar billed for PT services, 45 cents goes to the treating therapist and 55 cents goes to pay for all other expenses. Most clinics bill about $200 per square foot of clinic space. Across Canada, clinics need to charge about $64 -$75 per patient visit depending on what it is to cover costs and run sustainable physiotherapy clinics.
The benchmarks you select for your business are a personal choice and need to make sense to you. For example if you own a multi-disciplinary clinic or sell products, you may choose measures that separate this information by revenue stream. To collect your data you need practice billing software and bookkeeping software that provides you with easy to generate and easy to understand reports.
Examples of benchmarking measures that are appropriate for a physiotherapy practice include any or all of the following:
Financial Benchmarks:
• Income (Income per hour, income per new patient and per visit, income per sq.ft)
• Expense (fixed, variable, and labour expenses) as a % of revenue, cost per visit, accurate owner management expense
• Profit (profit per patient claim, profit per visit, and profit as a % of income)
• Professional gross margin (% PTs are paid of gross billings)
Productivity Benchmarks:
• Number of new patients, number of visits, billings per PT, number of visits per hour
Accounts Receivable Benchmarks:
• size of A/R, aging A/R, net A/R as a % of revenue
Wage Benchmarks:
• wage for all positions, labour as a % of income
Once you have your “report card” of measures to compare monthly or annually, and to other practices you need to ask the question “Why?” It is the task of the clinic owner to be able to identify why some of these measures have increased or decreased over time. For example, are there fewer new patients because one of your primary referring physicians retired? Did your profit per visit decrease to a loss situation because your province decided to regulate automobile insurance rates? Are your reception staff leaving for other jobs because you are not paying a competitive salary? Once you can answer these questions you are half way to identifying a solution and improving your business.
Charles Felder, Business Benchmarking to Improve Your Practice, PPS 2006 Annual Conference
John Wallace, Reimbursement Strategies: Practice Management by Numbers, PPS 2006 Annual Conference
– Submitted by Wendy Neidhardt, Private Practice Division Chair
This article was reproduced with permission from the Private Practice Division Newsletter, which is produced by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. The goal of this division is to act as a forum for discussion and a resource on business management topics relevant to private practice physiotherapy. To join the Private Practice Division, go to the CPA website ( and follow the links to Divisions.
What to Know
For the most part, you will only want to approach your local media to get coverage for an issue or event that’s unique to your community or your clinic. Provincial associations’ issues media releases from time to time and give interviews on issues of provincial importance; CPA does the same at a national level.
How to Prepare a Media Release
How to Give a Good Interview
When you are contacted by media for an interview, find out the reporter’s name, their media outlet and format (i.e. print, radio, TV) and what the interview will cover in general terms. Do not do an interview on the phone immediately; you need at least a few minutes to collect your thoughts.
As private practice physiotherapists, we are constantly being confronted with the need to adapt and evolve according to the ever-changing challenges and opportunities around us. In fact, the Cost of Business Survey results unveiled in 2006 revealed quite clearly that the clinics that ranked in the top 1/3 for net income per partner were the clinics that accomplished this by:
The above list is only a few of the specific observations that arose from the COB survey, but the fist point is particularly important in that it demonstrates the necessity of private practice owners/managers to become more diversified in their services. Just as many clinics have more recently begun developing and implementing programs to address the issue of obesity within the client population, many clinics around the world are also developing programs for the Cancer Patient.
At WCPT, I had the opportunity to attend a pre-congress course on Physiotherapy Examination and Treatment for the Breast Cancer Survivor. The course was attended by physiotherapists from around the world. Therefore, not only was the clinical course content invaluable, but the dialogue amongst the course attendees was of equal value. It was a diverse group of public and private based physiotherapists with varying degrees of experience and involvement with the cancer patient population. Of particular interest, were the private practice owners who had already begun offering specific programming for the cancer patient in New Zealand, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Switzerland. Once again, the programming in these private clinics varied, but the underlying concept was the same. That this is a growing client population and provision of service to this client population is also growing in the private sector to meet the demand.
The following statistics provide a solid basis for why these private clinics are developing programming in this area.
1. High probability of developing cancer in lifetime
Sites Males Females
All 1 in 2 1 in 3
Breast 1 in 8
Prostate 1 in 6
Lung 1 in 12 1 in 17
Colorectal 1 in 17 1 in 18
Greenlee: Cancer Vol. 51: 1 Jan 2001)
2. Cancer Survivorship Increasing Dramatically
1900 – little hope
1930 – 1 in 5 (20%)
1940 – 1 in 4 (25%)
1960 – 1 in 3 (33%)
1990 – 4 in 10 (40%)
2007 – Relative Survival Rate- 66%!!!
3. Obesity is the most highly associated risk factor for developing lymphedema and is directly correlated to death rate.
BMI (Body Mass Index) | Death Rates (100,000) |
18.5 – 24.9 (normal) | 39.1 |
25.0 – 29.9 | 51.13 |
30.0 – 34.9 | 60.65 |
35.0 – 39.9 | 67.56 |
>40 | 84.86 |
In summary
Furthermore, the added reality of ever growing waiting lists in the public sector necessitate for these services to be offered by a private practice in the community.
Many private clinics are already seeing an increase in the number of these clients seeking treatment often by self-referral. This client population is easily reached by providing education to local physicians with regards specific programming, by contacting the local cancer agency, radio/newspaper advertising, clinic web site (if available), and advertising within your clinic.
In summary, private practice clinicians have an opportunity to play an effective role in the management of this client population: pre-operative assessment and education; treatment of secondary sequelae; instruction and progression of home programs; biomechanical restoration; early screening, detection, and treatment of lymphedema; follow-up screening for late onset sequelae; group exercise classes; and development of appropriate individual aerobic exercise programs.
Remember, diversity may be your key to success!
– Submitted by: Suzanne Funk BMRPT, Executive Member of PPD- CPA
Conflict at work with colleagues, suppliers or clients may seem like something to avoid but it doesn’t have to be. It’s usually the avoidance of conflict that causes problems. Effective conflict management creates better relationships.
Conflict has two major components – 1) the issue at hand, and 2) the relationship involved between those involved. Think of conflict as an opportunity to make a positive change.
Suggested strategies:
• Acknowledge the problem. This means facing up to the fact that a problem exists and won’t go away unless it is addressed. It’s better to confront the problem sooner than later.
• Focus on the issue. If the problem is complex, focus on one issue at a time. By concentrating on one issue at a time, a satisfactory solution will seem attainable.
• Discuss the matter privately. Decide on a specific time and place to meet, preferably on neutral ground. Keep the issue private until you have had a chance to discuss/resolve it.
• Choose your words carefully. Use “I” statements : I think… I find… and I sense; this technique focuses on the issue and avoids placing blame.
• Be positive. After all, you are trying to resolve the conflict. Stay away from the role of the naysayer – someone who offers criticism and pessimism about all proposed solutions. Speak your mind and stick to the facts.
• Be direct. Say what you mean in a clear and direct manner. Don’t be ambiguous. When you communicate your wants or needs clearly, the other person will know where you are coming from. Back up your statements with examples and provide explanations of why you need something or feel the way you do. Do not argue. You want to find a solution rather than prove that a person is wrong.
• Try to keep your emotions in check. Failure to do so could mean that you won’t express your views logically. If the situation seems negative or explosive, wait for another opportunity to discuss the matter.
• Listen. Be sure to listen to what the other person is saying.
• Be Curious: Seek to understand the other person’s point of view. Ask questions to help your know what the other person’s needs and concerns are. Pay attention to body language. When you approach things with a clear understanding of the other person’s perspective, you will probably agree to a solution.
• Put your heads together. Jointly find a solution. See if you can agree on such an approach. Once your agree on this common goal, you are off to a great start.
• Seek help. If the problem is too big to handle alone, or you just can’t seem to reach an agreement, consider seeking help form a third party. Such a person could set down some ground rules for meaningful discussion that promotes respect for both parties.
• Take action. Once you have identified a solution, follow through with a course of action, and follow up. Tension will remain high if the lines of communication don’t stay open.
• Be willing to compromise. Recognition that you and the other person each have something at stake. Find ways to meet in the middle, if necessary. Compromise is most effective when each person feels right, to a certain degree, despite differing opinions. Immediately make clear which issues are negotiable and which are not.
• Accept personality differences. You might find yourself repeatedly clashing with the same person over minor issues. Accept that there is a personality conflict but try to keep your differences from affecting your working relationship.
• Above all, keep things in perspective. Is the solution something you can live with? To figure that out consider the test of three: Will this matter to you: in three hours? In three days or? Three weeks?
Private Practice Business Success is Contingent on Three Things:
Clarity, Capabilities, Confidence
Without exception, we all have the potential for greatness. Yet most people realize less than 10% of their potential. A few others lead extraordinarily lives, being fulfilled and financially successful. What makes the difference between the 10% and the few others?
Whatever other business guru’s may say, I believe with great conviction that you cannot be truly successful in your life and physical therapy private practice unless you have these three attributes: clarity of purpose, business capabilities, and confidence that you can be a successful business owner.
Let’s take a closer look at these three attributes for physical therapy private practice success.
1. Clarity
You must have clarity about your vision for your business, your business strengths, and your reason for being, and you must be propelled by these, with conviction and perseverance, to make it happen for you.
Here are some coaching questions to give you clarity.
What are your greatest strengths and what are you passionate about doing?
What is your compelling “why” for building your business?
What core values do you and your business stand for?
How can your core values differentiate your business in the marketplace?
Defining your personal and professional vision and purpose, and knowing how to achieve them are fundamental to your success as the owner of a physical therapy private practice. Clarity enables you to distinguish between making good decisions and making the best decisions in any situation. It also helps you identify where your mind set or habits are getting in the way of managing and growing your business effectively.
Three key benefits of improved clarity are:
2. Capabilities
As the owner of a private practice physical therapy clinic, the value of your technical skills declines, while the value of your business capabilities increases.
Here are a few of the most important business capabilities you should have:
Coaching questions for your consideration
Which of the above business capabilities do you have today and exercise regularly?
Which business capabilities would you like to become skilled at, how can you acquire them?
3. Confidence
The business world has plenty in it that promotes fear and anxiety.
True confidence is the ability to transform fear into focused and relaxed thinking, communication, and action. It turns dangers into opportunities, obstacles into innovations, weaknesses into advantages, and set-backs into breakthroughs.
Confidence is neither a factor of personality nor emotion.
It is the key that enables you to utilize your capabilities. When you learn to create confidence yourself, you can have it in endless supply.
Many incredibly gifted individuals could be doing so much more with their natural ability, but something always seems to hold them back. The missing factor is nearly always confidence. It’s the ability to appreciate the resources they have, see their past progress, and create a compelling vision of the way forward.
Your coaching questions on confidence.
What beliefs about myself and what’s possible may be hindering my success?
What current habits may be getting in the way of my business success?
What attitudes and behaviors should I change to realize different outcomes?
What decisions am I currently making about my business success?
Behind every extraordinary person and achievement are daily success habits. Athletes can attest to their days filled with endless hours of hard work and practice. Success, as you know, doesn’t occur overnight but rather is a culmination of small steps and persistence over time.
Success is a decision. Make a decision about the future you want to create today!
About the Author
Erika Trimble is a professional business coach and business owner always developing new strategies to grow her own business. Private practice business success is her business purpose and focus.
For a Special Report on The Top 10 Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Physiotherapy Practice go to — a website dedicated to giving private practice physical therapy clinic owners the tips, tools, and strategies they need to successfully grow their businesses.
Copyright © 2008 by Erika Trimble All Rights Reserved
1. The timing: You should plan your exit strategy right from the beginning. If you plan on selling to key employees or to an outside buyer there are different things to consider for each scenario.
2. The preparation: You should run your practice like it is always for sale by ensuring that it is the most efficient business and as effective clinically as possible. Your business should be so attractive to a buyer – that you would buy it!
3. The decision: You must decide why you want to sell and what are realistic goals are for your lifestyle after the sale. For example, if you are selling because running a business is not providing the work life balance you expected, you may be able to sell only a portion of your business by bringing in a management partner. If you are selling because you want to retire, then to maximize the sale proceeds you need to start the process several years ahead. Often you will fetch a higher price if are willing to stay working in the clinic for several years after the sale closes.
4. The performance: To have a good understanding of your clinic and business you should collect all of your clinic’s data. This should include financial statements, clinic visit statistics such as the number of new patients and number of visits per week. It is also useful to know the performance of each of your clinicians over the past several years.
5. The market: Understand the size of the buyers’ market. Physiotherapy clinics are not like other business that anyone can buy – your market is much smaller. In some provinces the buyer must be a Physiotherapist or own a certain percentage of the shares. Your market becomes even smaller when you consider that everyone is not business minded or entrepreneurial and may not want to be a clinic owner. Lastly not everyone has the financial means to make this type of large purchase.
6.The legal team: Business consultants and lawyers are there to protect you and are necessary for a business transaction of this size, but sometimes they can get in the way of making a deal happen. They are paid a handsome hourly rate but may not understand the specifics of the Physiotherapy business. Try to recognize decisions that are made on good simple logic in contrast to ones that will cost you time and money and possibly the deal. Look for nitpicking, multiple meetings on the same subject, calling in another “specialist” in the area just to reaffirm something you already know to be true.
7.The financial team: Accountants are important in the valuation of the clinic. Have your accountant “normalize” your income statement. Find all the expenses that are not directly related to running the clinic or that would not normally occur if another owner were to take it over. This would include car expenses, meals and entertainment, courses and seminars, etc. Also the salary you have taken out should be normalized to what you would have paid another Physiotherapist and manager for the same work.
8.The value: Most physiotherapy clinic sales are private so there is not much information available unless you look at publically traded clinic sales in the US. From our experience clinic valuations are anywhere from 2.5-4 times EBITDA (Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization). A higher multiple will be applied if the clinic is low risk and is likely to maintain or increase profits without you involved in the long term. This can be determined by looking at the diversity of referral sources, diversity of revenue streams, multiple locations, strong brand equity, a longer term on the lease, new or well-maintained equipment, the staff is likely to remain after the sale, a high volume of new patients, a great location, and lots of potential for growth.
9.The process: Once you have decided to sell, organized your clinic information, determined the value, and advertised to potential buyers there are set processes that typically occur. Firstly you will share information with your buyer. You will tour the buyer around the clinic, have the buyer sign a confidentiality agreement, and share your financials and clinic information. The buyer will then provide you a letter of intent that outlines the offer and negotiables. You buyer will then be provided more detailed financial information and access to your billing software to complete their due diligence. If all is satisfactory an Offer to Purchase or a Share Purchase Agreement will be signed. You should have a change management or transition plan for your staff, patients, and yourself to ensure that the quality of serves and employee satisfaction remains high throughout.
10.The deal: Decide if you want to be paid in full up front. Note that a higher price will be set if a performance based payout is negotiated. This is when a portion of the money is paid on closing and then a portion is paid in the future if you reach certain targets, typically net profit targets. This means you will stay on as a clinician and manager and help to transition and grow the clinic. You would have to negotiate the term of how long you have to reach the targets. A term that is too short may not give you enough time to meet the targets. If the term is too long then it would make more sense to keep the clinic or just get all payment of front. You also need to be clear if the incoming owners will help you increase the profitability. Assuming that you were doing the best to increase profitability prior to the sale, you will need assistance to increase it further to hit the higher targets. Ensure there is logic behind the targets set in the deal.
11. The fine print: Make sure that you understand the non-comp., non-solicit, and confidentiality clauses that all buyers will put in the agreement. If you are planning on selling and working elsewhere, make sure that you understand what areas are restricted. For example you may not be able to work for a 10 km. radius from the clinic for several years after the sale. Also understand that you will likely not be allowed to recruit your patients into your new place of employment. Most aspects of the transaction and any propriety information that you learn from the buyer will be considered confidential and you will be signing away the right to discuss any of it.
12. The references: If the purchaser has bought clinics before, ask for the references of those that they purchased from. It is not proper etiquette and not likely allowed in the confidentiality agreement, to ask for the specific pricing details of the reference’s sale, but the generalities of the deal can be discussed. Was it fair? How long did the process take? When did you get lawyers and accountants involved? What were the owners like during the process? Do you have any regrets? Would you deal with the purchaser again?
If you are planning on selling don’t be intimidated by your lack of business experience in this area. There are resources available and ask for help. Have a prosperous year!
Paul Moon, PT Health,
Wendy Coombs, Past Chair Private Practice Division,
By: Jasmine Thorsteinson (MPT, BKin)
New skills? Check. Master’s Degree? Check. Mentor? Check. Motivated? Check. New
career…? Real world: Am I ready? The answer: without a doubt, YES!
I graduated with a Kinesiology degree in 2013 and achieved my Masters of Physical Therapy in 2015 from the University of Manitoba. Coming from a family of business owners, I knew I wanted to open my own Physiotherapy business someday. I took the business course during the MPT program to gain insight into opening a private practice. This gave me the business basics and an idea of the effort required in order to achieve my goals. This in combination with many supports and resources led me to where I am today. I currently treat in a private clinic (as Thor Physiotherapy) 3-5 times per week treating both private orthopedic patients and post op knee rehab patients, in facility that did not offer these services until recently. Five days per week I work as a physiotherapy consultant running and developing chronic disease programs. I also have the ability to treat out of my home as I see fit. For me, this is the best of both worlds, and keeps me on my toes tapping into all aspects of our scope of practice. As per postgraduate development, I pursued acupuncture as an asset in private therapy, took a myofascial release course, have begun volunteering on a CPM committee, and have been mentoring students since 2015. I am pursuing dry needling this year. The secret is out; I love what I do but how did I get here 3 years into my career? I will tell you a few tips as to my success thus far, however I assure you that I am still new, still learning, and not even close to being done pursuing opportunities in the field of Physiotherapy. In 2015, I began working at a private practice evenings and weekends as a typical new grad would. This lasted for about 4 months while working part time at as a physiotherapy consultant.
Due to my shifts, I found that I did not have a ton of access to mentorship while at work, however I stayed in touch with my mentor over phone calls and texts when looking for guidance. I began to wonder, what is the difference between this and running my own practice? I soon gained the chance to work full-time as a consultant and did not turn down the opportunity to have steady income however continued to have sights set on further business prospects. In October 2015 I was providing consults to patients but unable to offer private treatment follow-ups to members of our Centre. I met with my colleague, and we agreed to pursue the opportunity of opening a clinic within our current workspace to see what could come of it. We met with our management and CEO; developed a business plan, competitive analysis, negotiated contacts, etc. After 11 months of deliberation, we opened the clinic in August of 2016. In October 2017, the WRHA announced closure of outpatient physiotherapy services. We noted the gap in health care for post op patients and immediately met with management to develop and provide post op rehab to knee patients. Our TKR program opened in November 2017 with our post op hip rehab program set to begin in May 2018. After three years of developing my career path, here are my 4 tips to creating business opportunity in physiotherapy or within an existing business:
1. Be confident, not cocky.
• As a new grad we tend to question our abilities knowing that we do not have 10-20 years of experience under our belt. I urge you to reconsider. Be confident in your abilities, you have learned and applied many new skills and know much more about your field than your patients. Deliver, provide the best care possible, and research behind the scenes. You always have time in your next treatment to develop, progress, gain trust, and build your client up for success. Remind yourself however that although you know a lot, you do not know everything. Keep an open mind; learning from courses, colleagues, and your clinical experience will allow you to continue to develop and become a better therapist. Being over confident reflects in your practice and may inhibit your development. Be okay knowing that you do not know everything. Be okay asking for help. Be okay admitting you made a mistake or could do better next time. No one gains success without these experiences. These are learning opportunities. Being open to bettering yourself translates to your clinical expertise with clients. It is impossible to know everything; you will be looking up information for years to come. The best thing about our profession is that we are never finished learning and there are always opportunities to expand our clinical skills and abilities.
2. Utilize your resources
a. Mentor: Do not underestimate the importance of having a mentor. This is someone you can turn to for advice within your field and who you can depend on to provide information necessary to better yourself and your practice. It does not mean you have to be in constant communication but that you have support and guidance. I owe much of my success to my mentor, thank you Tony.
b. Post Graduate Courses: Something my mentor encouraged me to do. There are many different courses we can take to develop our skills as therapists. I encourage you to choose at least one course per year to continue your education and keep your skills fresh.
c. College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba: Do your due diligence on knowing the requirements to run a private clinic, the regulations for working for nontherapists if this is the path you choose, know requirements for charting, scheduling, billing etc. It is important that you work to uphold the highest standards when pursuing business opportunities in your profession. This is your responsibility. If you are unsure, contact the college for clarification. The college is there to protect the public and to provide you the information necessary to run an appropriate practice.
d. Family & Friends: Wow do I owe a good chunk of my success to my family and friends. In my personal opinion, it is sometimes simply about who you know. Do you know lawyers? Entrepreneurs? Communications experts? Other health care professionals? Utilizing your resources can help you on the business end of things when learning to navigate interviews, opportunities, negotiate contracts, etc. You are now in the real world and yes, you have the right to negotiate your contract. You are a professional and this should be reflected accordingly. The supports you have when you are pursuing goals in your career help you stay focused, know when you need to step up, or take some time for yourself. Be sure to thank these people in your life. The time will come when you will be able to do the same for someone else. When it does, pay it forward.
e. Past jobs/skills & experiences: This is important when it comes to your interviews, presenting business opportunities/proposals, and developing ideas. Your skills and abilities outside of the field of physiotherapy are also important in your career. This becomes more and more clear when you are pursuing business and building rapport with your clients.
3. Keep an open mind, pursue opportunity & do some research
a. Interviews: go to every interview offered. The skills of developing the ability to interview well are invaluable. This also creates the opportunity to be open to a career path you may not have envisioned but end up really enjoying. I planned on treating athletes; my clientele is now primarily older adults and I truly enjoy treating this population.
b. Work: What does your work currently offer? Where do you note gaps in the system? What clientele needs physiotherapy? Who could you offer these services to? Who is your competition? With physiotherapy being propelled into the private sector, you have an opportunity to be creative in developing programs or services for clients. Build a rapport with your management and colleagues,and have the confidence to present new or different ideas, you may be surprised at the support you gain and opportunity that comes of it.
c. Volunteering: This may begin because you feel you should give back to your community. The truth is, you end up bettering yourself. You learn new and different skills by volunteering to be a mentor, or being part of a committee. This also creates unique networking opportunities and may better your practice along the way.
4. Work-Life Balance
a. I think we can all agree physiotherapy is a great profession. It is important to be constantly learning, and bettering yourself. However, maintaining a work-life balance is also important to keep your mind fresh and ready to offer the best care possible to your patients. Outside of your career: pursue personal goals. It is just as important to maintain your ambitions outside of your industry. Play sports, run marathons, go to craft shows, concerts, whatever floats your boat…oh, and go on vacation! We all need a break sometimes. Get back refreshed and ready to put your best foot forward.
Final thoughts
• Opportunity: You never know when an opportunity will present itself – keeping your mind, eyes and ears open will allow you the ability to see and develop new ideas or business opportunities.
• Ask questions: It is important to know about physiotherapy, but we also have been so enveloped in school that the real world awaiting can sometimes feel like your head is spinning. Look up business information, look up the regulations from our college, pricing, fees, etc. ensure you have proper protocols developed, and are managing your practice effectively and efficiently.
• Be patient: Do not jump into an opportunity too quickly, take the time to plan, negotiate, and develop your business. Good things take time, success does not happen over night.
• Be self aware: You are just starting your career, success does not come without failure.
• Good luck! May your pursue your dreams, be successful, and provide quality care to your patients, enjoy the rewarding career of being a Health Care Provider and be proud of the work you do.
Here are some resources that have helped me in the past few years in pursuing my career
Thank you for the opportunity.
Jasmine Thorsteinson
Jasmine is happy to respond to any questions you may have. You can reach her at