The Physical Therapist’s Guide to Patient Retention

By Strive Labs | Original post can be found here. Creating and retaining loyal customers is key to growing your PT business. But all of the hard work you put into branding and marketing your practice is useless if you are unable to attract your target audience, assist them in the successful completion of their […]

How to Hire An Awesome Physiotherapist – 5 Quick Ways

By Rick Lau | Healthcare Entrepreneur Did one of your top physiotherapists just leave your clinic to work for a competitor? Or maybe your senior therapist has just given notice for retiring? Even worse, one of your therapists left and started a new clinic across the street. As clinic owners, at some point we’re faced […]

Ask the Expert: Should a clinic owner buy their own building?

In my Clinic Accelerator Program where I coach clinic owners to run more efficient, effective businesses, I constantly get asked about negotiating a lease versus buying a clinic building. This really is an awesome topic to cover. Think about it. If you own your clinic for 20 years, you really could pay off your mortgage […]

Roles: The Entrepreneur, the Manager and the Technician

By Tanja Yardley If you’re considering taking the plunge into private practice management or if you’re already swimming in that deep sea, it’s essential that you consider the roles, relationships and opportunities that make up a successful small business. In order for any business to thrive, there are 3 key parts of your business (or […]

How do I stop competitors from stealing my ideas or taking my people?

Have you noticed the rate of physiotherapy or chiropractor owned wellness clinics in your area is growing? Seems like every which way you look there’s a new clinic opening. In today’s market, competition is fierce. For example, I recently searched Google for physiotherapy clinics in Vancouver. It came up with 19 clinics in a 2 […]

How Much is Your Physiotherapy Clinic Worth?

By Wendy Coombs Have you gone into business thinking one day you’d like to sell? I hope the answer is yes because it’s a good plan to have. Down the track, after years of hard work, you want to end up with some money in the bank rather than dead broke. Who wouldn’t! Business acquisition […]

Think like an Entrepreneur not just a Clinician

By Maggie Bergeron Chances are, you became a physiotherapist because you wanted to help people in some way. If you are like the majority of practitioners (and like I was a few years ago), you have not really acknowledged the undeniable importance of being an astute business owner. Your focus has overwhelmingly been on the […]